Terms and Conditions

These terms and conditions govern the access to and the use of AskMakers' services and platforms, through the website. All users must comply with the terms and conditions on this page to be able to use AskMakers and its services and platforms.

Public Use

All users should commit to ethics and values and should refrain from insult and abuse of the site.

Privacy Policy

You understand that through your use of the Services, you consent to the collection and use of your data and information, as set forth in the Privacy Policy. You need to read it before you use or access the Services.

Denial of Access

AskMaker has the right to block any user from accessing the website or using it's services in general.


Impersonation by name or subdomain is not allowed and AskMakers has the right to take adequate actions.

Inactive Accounts

AskMakers has the right to remove inactive accounts under the duration that AskMakers sees adequate.

Removal and Blocking of Content and Accounts

AskMakers has the right to block or remove content and accounts for any reason it sees adequate. In addition, you acknowledge that we have your consent to monitor and block content that we consider to be harassing or bullying.


AskMakers has the right to use the information input by users with agreement to the privacy policy


AskMakers has the right to e-mail users with what AskMakers sees adequate with the option to unsubscribe from notification e-mails

Modifications of Terms and Conditions

We have the right to modify terms and conditions if needed and whenever adequate

Limits of Responsibility

All communicated content on the website is the responsibility of their owners and AskMakers is not responsible for its content or any damage that could result from this content or the use of any of the site's services.

Privacy Policy

We care for the privacy & protection of our users and their data and we would like to share with you our policy and practices regarding your information and its privacy. Our Privacy Policy outlines what data is collected from our users and how it is used and processed. It also highlights how our users can control their data.


A AskMakers is the question or answer that a user gives to other users on the AskMakers platforms. It is also the question or answer that a user receives from other users on the AksMakers platforms.

Information that users share with us

General Information About You

There are parts of our platforms can be accessed without registration, while other parts of our services can only be accessed by registered users. To be able to provide our services to you, we require that you provide us with some basic information about you. This includes your name, e-mail address. E-mail address is necessary for account verification and recovery.

Information shared with the public

Most of your information is kept in privacy and not shared with the public. This includes the AskMakers that are sent or received to and from other users. However, some information will appear to the public by default. This includes your name, username. If you provide us with a profile photo, it will also appear to the public.

Information that we collect from our users


To make sure that you are protected and that the security and stability of the system is intact, we record the date and time of actions like:

  • When you create an account on our platforms


To provide insights for our users, we may analyze AskMakers and user activity. Data privacy and confidentiality will be maintained.

3rd Party Services


We may share your data with e-mail providers who facilitate e-mail delivery, this may be used for email confirmation, notifications and password reset.


In addition to using our own internal systems, we may use third-party services, such as Google Firebase to hosting AskMakers and authenticate users.

Analytics Services

AskMakers may utilize services that analyze users’ behavior such as Facebook Analytics and Google Analytics. We use these analytics to improve our services and enhance the user experience. These services may use cookies and may collect certain information about you such as your device, websites you visit, how you use our services, your activities on our platforms or your demographics. Here, you can learn more about Facebook Cookies Policy and Google Analytics Privacy Policy.

Notification Tokens

We use third-party services, such as Google Firebase, to assigns a token to your device. This allows us to send you general or directed notifications.

Links to External Sites

Our website may contain links to other sites on the internet or advertisements and we are not responsible for the data practices and privacy policies of these websites. We may be assisted by third party advertising companies for the reason of displaying ads when you visit our website. These companies have the right to use general information about your visit to this website and other websites. This is to show you targeted ads that are more relevant to you.

Disclosure of Information

We highly value the confidentiality of your data. We also have to protect our users and communities from misusers. To make sure our users are protected, we may disclose personal information when requested by legal or law-enforcement entities through official channels.

Modification of Data Confidentiality and Privacy Policy

We have the right to modify the items and conditions of data confidentiality and privacy policy if needed and when we see adequate